Modest Witnesses: A Painter’s Collaboration with Donna Haraway

By Lynn Randolph

"When I read Donna Haraway's Manifesto for Cyborgs in 1989, I was intrigued and inspired. Here was a piece that resonated with my political, feminist and moral values. Haraway was getting up close, magnifying and focusing on science, technology and socialist-feminism while contesting the “old world order.” Her work brought to mind Robert Hooks’ first look through a microscope and William Blake’s painting of a flea. Donna Haraway was creating new ways to approach Nature/Culture. She insisted that we find new relationships to nature besides possession and reflection, and that we converse with wily coyotes...."

To download the entire essay, which includes images produced by the collaboration with Haraway, click here. It will take about three minutes to download. Randolph's own website is linked here.

The Essay can also be viewed and downloaded in seven parts, each centering on one or more paintings.

1: Introduction    
2: Cyborg  
3: Venus & La Mestiza Cosmica [download only]
4: The Laboratory / The Passion of OncoMouse  
5: Immeasurable Results, Millennial Children, Self-consortium [download only]  
6: Transfusions & Diffraction  
7: The Annunciation of the Second Coming